Monday, December 21, 2009

flickr photos

Here is the link to my flickr:

Life Drawing Final!!!!

What I learned in lifedrawing is that drawing the human form is really really hard, yet fun! I enjoyed doing the quick gesture drawings and learning how to proportion out the spine, lungs, legs, head and pelvis using the box technique. I also really learned alot getting feedback directly from Amy about how to create curved lines that pop out towards the viewer as well as angular lines that give the recede into space. I also learned quite a bit about how to see the skeletal structure and muscles as they inform the form of the body.
I would say that my weaknesses are getting the right proportions of the different parts of the body as well as getting varying line weights. However, I would say that I definitely improved my ability to make different line weights and proportions just through the practice that I had throughout this course.
I would say my strengths are my general ability to draw in perspective as well as long, fluid linework.
I know that I will use what I have learned in life drawing in my field of industrial design as I draw different human interactions with my products, like hands, feet, and whole gestural forms.
I look forward to taking more life drawing classes to improve my abilities in linework and gesture drawing.

Faces, Hands