Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Here's the link to my flickr photostream:

Where I'm At- Mid-term check-up

So far this semester, I would say that I have learned the most about the skeletal structure of the spinal column, ribs, pelvic bones, and limbs. Secondly it's been very interesting for me to learn about the various muscles in our limbs and in hip area. I would say that learning about the ratios of the lungs to pelvic bones has been very helpful to me in learning to get my proportions right as I draw from our models. I would also say that learning to look for the spinal muscles and curvature has been huge in getting the essential gesture of the models in my drawings.
I would say that my weaknesses right now is my tendency to jump into drawing without looking hard first at my model and using too many heavy lines without hierarchy. I would like to improve on my linework throughout the semester and really be sensitive in the marks I put down and establish hierarchy and visual interest with my linework.
I would also like to improve my knowledge of the muscles of the body with the maniken and be able to translate that into my drawing. When I first shot the pictures for this maniken, I didn't do a very delicate job of putting on the muscles. So since then, I've come to realize that I can do much better and have subsequently changed alot of the quads and hamstrings. I will add pictures of those as soon as I have them done!
I think that's all I have for right now!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Maniken photos

Here is the latest pics of my maniken!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Reflections on Manikens and getting back into the swing of drawing

This week I found drawing to be quite a challenge. Last class period I had alot going on in my mind and I think it totally showed in the way I was drawing. Instead of having strong and confident lines, I kept drawing line after line trying to get the right one and ended up with a bunch of unwanted and chaotic lines that weren't unified. I also think I was kind of rusty with life drawing as it had been about 2 weeks since we last drew from our models. Anyways, I think the Manikens have been kind of interesting to do. I haven't quite figured out the best technique for putting the clay on the maniken, whether i should create the basic shape of the muscle before i put it on the maniken or if i should just build up the muscle on the maniken a little at a time. i'm not quite sure yet, but i'll have to try building it up this time as i had been mainly making the muscles first and then putting them on.
i hope that i will be able to really learn the different muscles of the body and be able to easily recognize them on our models so i can better represent the actually contours and forms. i've also found the bone structure lessons quite interesting- i especially found it interesting to learn that we build bones by actually putting strain on them from using our muscles and that allows the bones to grow and take in calcium. Very interesting! anyways, I will post some pictures of my drawings as soon as i get back to the art building! cheers!