I have to say that I was a little freaked out by all the remains of dead people in the Body World Exhibit. I think it was very cool how the bodies were preserved and turned into plastic, especially the central nervous system and the baby embryos. However, I personally had a little moral dilemma with the exhibit because I felt the bodies were a little too objectified. It was very hard for me to look at them all dissected and on display because I knew that they were once living and breathing human beings with souls. I was just going to write that I thought perhaps it would have been easier for me to look at the exhibit had I known a little bit about the background of the people's remains that were displayed, but now after saying it, I still don't think my mind would be totally at ease. For me, I completely understand why people would donate their bodies to science to help train medical students to become successful doctors help others, and I definitely do agree that these exhibits and the complexity of the human body is truly amazing and worth learning about. However, I just couldn't quite get over the fact that the bodies were on public display and were a little too objectified for me personally - maybe i could even say that since there was no mention of the names of the people who died or their histories, it seemed a little lacking in respect for who they were at one time (people, not objects).
Anyways, my aim here is not to get on a soap box about the value of life, but to just share my gut reactions to the show.
I did have an awesome time and really did learn quite alot about the muscles in the body and the immense complexity of our bodies! So all in all it was a great trip for me!
I will also say that I was truly amazed at the human embryos - it was so neat to see the progression of their development in the womb, yet so sad to hear how some of them died (but i'm glad to have known, because it recognizes their life and death).
Anyways, my next post will be on the how my drawings have been coming along. Until then,
Au Revoir!